கோவிட்-19 தகவல்
கோவிட்-19, பரிசோதனை, தடுப்பூசிகள் மற்றும் பயணம் பற்றிய சமீபத்திய தகவல்களை உங்களுக்கு வழங்குவதே எங்கள் குறிக்கோள்.
Latest CDC Updates
According to the CDC, COVID-19 cases are currently on the rise and continue to adversely affect BIPOC communities. The three largest variants circulating are KP.2, KP.3, and LB.1. The MDH has partnered with Cue Health for a free telehealth test-to-treat program to help ensure people in Minnesota have easy access to care, treatments, and COVID-19 medication delivery. This service is free and available seven days a week. Health insurance is not required to receive treatment. Learn more about this program here. Additionally, the MDH free COVID-19 at-home test ordering program has ended. People who do not have health insurance can find no-cost testing locations using the CDC's COVID-19 Testing Locator. Those with health insurance may be able to get free at-home tests or get reimbursed for costs of purchasing tests. Ask your local pharmacy or health insurance company for more information.
To learn more about the current status of COVID-19 in Minnesota, visit MDH’s website.
Protect Yourself & Others:
The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) also recommends these steps. This page provides basic information on what you can do to reduce the spread of COVID-19 and other respiratory viruses. Taking these steps, called prevention strategies, can help keep ourselves, our loved ones, and our community healthier.
Core prevention strategies
Important steps you can take to protect yourself and others from viruses like COVID-19, flu, and RSV:
Vaccination provides the best protection against becoming seriously ill from COVID-19.
Improved hygiene includes many simple steps such as washing your hands and covering your cough.
Cleaner air: Actions like opening windows or holding gatherings outside help to decrease the amount of virus in the air.
If you are sick or think you could be:
Stay home when you are sick and take precautions to prevent spread.
Treatment: Talk to your doctor, get medications early.
For Additional Information, please visit: Protect Yourself and Others: COVID-19 - MN Dept. of Health (state.mn.us)
Additional prevention strategies
More steps to protect against respiratory viruses that can be added to the core prevention strategies above:
Wear a mask
Keep physical distance
Test for respiratory viruses
Find out more about how to add these disease prevention steps into your life, CDC: Prevention.
Important times for prevention
All of the prevention strategies can help to reduce the risk of becoming sick and spreading disease. Adding (layering) on more prevention strategies can be especially helpful when:
Sick, recovering, or exposed to COVID-19
For detailed guidance and timelines showing how long to stay home based on symptoms, visit CDC: Preventing Spread of Respiratory Viruses When You're Sick.
Higher risk of severe illness
If you, or people around you, have Risk Factors for Severe Illness from Respiratory Viruses (CDC), taking extra precautions, including additional strategies (masks, distancing, and tests), can help to prevent illness.
Groups who are at a higher risk of becoming very sick from respiratory viruses:
Older adults
Young children
People with a weakened immune system (for example: someone going through certain cancer treatments)
People with disabilities
Pregnant people
Steps you can take:
Layer (add on) the core prevention and additional prevention strategies for more protection.
Check with your doctor:
You might benefit from an additional updated COVID-19 vaccine, and other vaccines may be recommended for you.
Ask if antiviral medications are right for you.
For COVID-19 medications, consider using Minnesota's free COVID-19 Telehealth Program (test-to-treat).
Covid-19 Vaccine
COVID-19 vaccines will still be free for most Americans through their health insurance plans. Check with your insurance provider for coverage details.
Who should get vaccinated
Vaccination is recommended for all people 6 months of age and older.
Children 6 months to 4 years of age may need multiple doses of COVID-19 vaccine to be up to date, including at least one dose of the updated 2023-2024 COVID-19 vaccine. The number of recommended doses depends on COVID-19 vaccines previously received, their age, and whether the person has a weakened immune system.
People 5 to 11 years of age should get one updated Pfizer or Moderna vaccine regardless of whether they’ve received any previous COVID-19 vaccine dose(s) to be up to date.
People 12 years and older who have not previously received any COVID-19 vaccine dose(s) and choose to get Pfizer or Moderna vaccine, should get one dose to be up to date.
People 12 years and older who have not previously received any COVID-19 vaccine and choose to get Novavax vaccine should get two updated Novavax doses to be up to date.
People 12 years and older who have received any previous COVID-19 vaccine(s) and choose to get Novavax should get one updated Novavax dose to be up to date.
Some people may get additional doses of updated 2023-2024 COVID-19 vaccines:
People who are moderately or severely immunocompromised may get one additional dose of updated 2023-2024 COVID-19 vaccine two or more months after the last COVID-19 vaccine. They also may receive additional updated 2023-2024 COVID-19 vaccine doses and should talk to their health care provider.
People aged 65 years and older who received one dose of any updated 2023-2024 COVID-19 vaccine (Moderna, Pfizer or Novavax) should receive one additional dose of an updated COVID-19 vaccine at least four months after the previous updated dose.
For Additional Information, please visit: About COVID-19 Vaccine - MN Dept. of Health (state.mn.us)
How to get a Covid-19 Vaccine
SEWA-AIFW health Clinics offer Covid 19 Vaccines, these free clinics are held monthly or scheduled days at the SEWA-AIFW Headquarters in Brooklyn Center, Sikh Temple in Bloomington, Hindu Temple in Maple Grove, & SV Temple in Edina.
SEWA-AIFW Covid-19 Hotline: 952-905-4640
Through MN Dept of Health - In-home COVID-19 vaccination is available upon request for those who may have difficulties going to a clinic or other vaccine location. Learn more about eligibility for an in-home vaccine and how to request an appointment at In-Home Vaccination Program.
CDC's Bridge Access Program:
For a Community Health Center (CHC) near you use Minnesota Health Centers: Find Health Care.
To locate a community vaccination or COVID Community Coordinator (CCC) event near you call the MDH COVID-19 public hotline at 1-833-431-2053 Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Tuesday, Thursday: 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.
To find other locations offering COVID-19 vaccines, including pharmacies, visit Vaccines.gov.